Do you want to be successful this Saturday? If so, then you need to attend the new coaching clinic! This session will teach you all about goal setting, time management, and more. So don’t miss out – come join us this Saturday!
What is the coaching clinic about?
The coaching clinic is a one-day event that covers a variety of topics related to goal setting, time management and other important aspects of life. This workshop provides valuable coaching and advice to help participants be more successful.
What are the benefits of attending the clinic?
Attending the coaching clinic can give you a number of benefits. Some of the main ones are as follows:
-You will learn how to manage your time more effectively.
-You will learn how to set goals and achieve them.
-You will learn how to communicate better.
-You will benefit from the advice and support of a certified coach.
So if you’re looking to improve your skills in any one of these areas, the coaching clinic is definitely worth attending! And don’t forget – the deadline to sign up is this Saturday!
What should you bring to the clinic?
If you are looking to attend the coaching clinic this Saturday, here are a few items that you should bring with you.
First and foremost, it is important to have questions and concerns prepared. This is an opportunity to get help with goal setting, time management, and more! Make sure to be prepared to learn and discuss these important topics.
Other items that you may want to bring include materials for learning (e.g. textbooks, notes), snacks, and any other needs that you may have (e.g. water, sunscreen). It is also helpful to arrive early so that you can get settled in and start learning. Finally, be sure to sign up for the coaching clinic! This way, you can make sure to gain all the benefits that the session has to offer.
What topics will be covered in the session?
The coaching clinic this Saturday will cover topics like goal setting, time management, and more. If you are interested in learning these skills, be sure to come to the session! Some of the topics that will be covered include:
-Setting goals
-Managing time
-Communication techniques
There are many benefits to attending the coaching clinic this Saturday. Not only will you learn how to be more successful, but you will also have the opportunity to connect with other participants. There are limited spots available, so make sure to sign up today!
What are the deadlines for signing up for the clinic?
If you want to attend the coaching clinic this Saturday, you need to sign up as soon as possible! The deadline for sign-ups is coming soon, so don’t miss your chance! The coaching clinic is a great opportunity to gain some valuable coaching tips and advice. The sessions will cover topics like goal setting, time management, and more.
If you want to be successful in the coaching clinic, you need to be prepared. Bring along any materials that you think might help you, like a planner or journal. Also, make sure to bring any questions that you have about the session topics. The coaching team will be happy to answer any questions that you have.
The coaching clinic is scheduled for Saturday, January 26th from 9am – 11am at the Parkview Sports Complex. If you are interested in attending this session, please click the link below to sign up. We hope to see you there!
If you’re looking for coaching help this Saturday, the new coaching clinic is the perfect session for you! This workshop provides information on goal setting, time management, and more. It’s a great way to learn and improve your skills. You’ll want to bring everything you need to participate – including a notebook and pen – and make sure to sign up early!