New to Windermere Little League
We’re glad that you are interested in finding out more about involvement in Windermere Little League.
League Boundaries
Click here to open or download a PDF map that shows the boundaries of Windermere Little League. (Adobe Acrobat Reader required)
Also, click here for an alphabetical list of neighborhoods that are part of Windermere Little League.
If you live outside these boundaries, here is contact information for neighboring leagues:
Dr. Phillips Little League: 407-363-2979
Winter Garden Little League: 407-877-7113
Metro West Little League:
League Seasons
Windermere Little League plays Fall and Spring seasons. The Fall season runs September thru November; the Spring season runs February thru May. Because players generally move up divisions in the Fall, that season tends to be less competitive and more instructional in nature. The Spring season is more competitive and is followed by several Little League tournaments that our league participates in.
Registration & Player Evaluations
Sign-ups and player evaluations take place in August for the Fall season and in January for the Spring season. These are held at George Bailey Park.
Following player evaluations, teams are drafted by the managers in each division. Teams are redrafted every season.
League Organization
Windermere Little League is divided into the following divisions:
Tee Ball (players league age 5-6)
Coach Pitch (league age 7-8)
Minors (league age 9-10)
Majors (league age 11-12)
Juniors (league age 13-14)
Seniors (league age 15-16)
Big League (league age 17-18) – starting late Spring 2004
We also have a Girls’ Softball League for ages 8-10, 11-12, and 13-14.
League age for both the Fall and Spring seasons is determined by how old your child is as of July 31st of the year the Spring season is a part of. (For example: if a child will be 8 years-old on July 31, 2005, that child would be league age 8 in the Spring 2005 season as well as the Fall 2004 season.)
Click here for an age chart for the Fall 2004 and Spring 2005 seasons.
Click here to read more about Windermere Little League.
“Playing Up”
Players who are league age 6 may try out in order to “play up” to the Coach Pitch division, so long as they have participated in at least one season of Little League tee ball (either in Windermere or elsewhere). Players are moved up based upon the evaluations of the Coach Pitch managers.
A Volunteer League
Windermere Little League is one of the largest leagues in the state of Florida with over 700 players ranging in age from five to sixteen. The only way our league is successful is through teamwork and participation. Parents serve the league in every possible way as Board Members, managers, coaches, team dads and moms, concession stand volunteers, umpires, field maintenance workers, and fund raising organizers.
We cannot accomplish our goals without the efforts of our parents. These are our players, and they deserve the best help that we can give them. Little League is a family participation sport. Without the cooperation and assistance of all involved, it will be difficult to continue to build upon the foundation already established for a strong league.